
Christmas: Hope in Hardship

The Christmas Story. Yes, it’s a familiar tale that fills us with a bit of sentimentality and a kind of romantic sensibility.  We think of the silent night, the angelic choirs, and the star that led the magi. But when we pay close attention to the details of the story,… Read More »Christmas: Hope in Hardship

Finding Light in the Darkness

Let’s just admit something that’s simply true:  life can be very difficult.  For decades, war has raged in the Middle East and Central Asia with no real solution in sight as hundreds of thousands of refugees flee to Europe.  Each day, children and youth are gunned-down in the streets of… Read More »Finding Light in the Darkness


Success Stories

I recently met the parents of a good friend.  I enjoyed spending time with them, sharing a meal, and witnessing the joy they shared as a couple.  I’m not sure how long they’ve been married but I’d guess it’s been at least fifty years.  Clearly, their marriage is a successful… Read More »Success Stories