Theology: It’s Not Important

Is what you believe important? People argue about beliefs, but do they matter? Maybe you believe in an afterlife.  Or maybe you believe in karma.  Or maybe you don’t.  While many people view theology and dogma as important, I want to explore what I think is much more important than… Read More »Theology: It’s Not Important

Faith VS Fear

“I’m not afraid.  I have faith!”  That’s something people say today.  I don’t think faith has anything to do with fear.  Fear is an emotion meant to protect us by alerting us to possible danger.  Faith is a conviction.  The following is a text version of this blog. There’s a… Read More »Faith VS Fear

Is Jesus Relevant?

The findings from Pew Research are clear: the importance of religion in the lives of Americans is shrinking. Yes, there are lots of problems with institutional religion.  In the face of cultural changes, I think it’s important to consider the relevance of the teachings of Jesus even as the importance… Read More »Is Jesus Relevant?

R U Woke … Spiritually?

We hear the term, “woke,” used a great deal today.  Whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing seems to depend on the person and their politics.  Delving a bit deeper, perhaps it’s worth exploring whether one’s spirituality is woke.  Explore that with me in this video. Woke.  We… Read More »R U Woke … Spiritually?

The Politics of Christianity

There are many things in life I just don’t understand.  One of them is how people misrepresent the heart of a religion — any religion.  Whether it’s Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, or Christianity, some followers of each path are likely to take minor themes from the religion out of context, blow… Read More »The Politics of Christianity

The God in Whom I Believe

The word, “God.”  Do people mean the same thing when they use it?  Could it be that people, even in the same religion, have different understandings of God? In this video, I’m exploring some of the ways I understand and experience God. The following is a text version of this… Read More »The God in Whom I Believe