What Happens in Spiritual Direction?

Have you ever worked with a spiritual director?  If you haven’t, you probably don’t know what to expect.  In this video, I describe what happens in a spiritual direction session.  If you’re thinking about working with a spiritual director, this may help make the process more comfortable for you. 

Killing the Ego? Is that Spiritual?

Killing your ego? Denying yourself? Transcend yourself? Some spiritual and religious teachings seem to convey a sense that there’s something wrong with being the person you are.  Yet, psychology stresses the importance of affirming who you are.  In this brief video, I explore what it means to have a healthy… Read More »Killing the Ego? Is that Spiritual?

Praying as Jesus Taught

Lent.  From Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, Christians mark a six-week season meant to focus on God’s presence in our world and our lives.  It’s a time when churches typically offer special services and devotional practices.  Among other things, Lent is a time for prayer. Prayer is a confusing thing… Read More »Praying as Jesus Taught

How to Experience (Your) Beauty

Beauty: it’s in the eye of the beholder. At least according to the adage. Beauty inspires us, draws us out of our preoccupations, and invites us to experience wonder at life. We find beauty in nature, art, music and many other things around us. Beauty is deeply connected to spirituality… Read More »How to Experience (Your) Beauty

Support and Help From Others

When things fall apart, many people are uncomfortable asking for help. We may think that we can handle it. Or maybe we’re embarrassed because of needing help.  Today, I talk about what it means to ask for, receive, and give help to others when we face those difficult times in… Read More »Support and Help From Others

Resilience and the Interior Life

When things fall apart in your life, where do you find the energy to be resilient? For many people today, especially during the COVID19 pandemic, life has fallen apart.  But life can fall apart for many reasons.  The things that nurture our inner life can provide a basis that empowers… Read More »Resilience and the Interior Life