Resilience and the Interior Life

How do we find the ground to stand when things fall apart around us? Through our spiritual practice, we develop a sense of being grounded. This foundation supports us when life begins to fall apart.  In this video, I share my experience of maintaining an interior life rooted in spiritual… Read More »Resilience and the Interior Life

Breath: Our Spirit and Life

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Breathing animates us.  The act of breathing is intimate and essential for our existence.  Just as breathing is the essence of our physical lives, breathing is also the essence of our spiritual lives. How does breathing help us understand spirituality, both our human spirit and our connection to something more?… Read More »Breath: Our Spirit and Life

Unlearning Christianity

Many Christian churches claim to have all the answers. What happens when you realize that they are wrong?  Is it possible to let go of what was wrong while learning to hold on to what is good and true?  I’m sharing part of my story about the process of unlearning… Read More »Unlearning Christianity

“God” is a Verb

We’ve been taught to believe that God is a person, usually a male person, who is out there somewhere.  But that limits God to the definitions and categories we create.  Perhaps it’s time to understand God as a verb:  active, dynamic, and engaging. I explain what I mean more fully… Read More »“God” is a Verb