Spirituality and Work: Finding Meaning in What We Do

Work. We have jobs, housework, and other responsibilities that are “work” for us. Work fills most of our days. Are we able to understand work as an expression of our spirituality? How are spirituality and work connected? 

Living with Trauma, Spirituality, and Healing

Most people don’t recognize it, but many of us live with the effects of trauma.  Trauma disrupts our lives and our sense of normalcy. Today, I’m discussing both the prevalence of trauma and how spiritual practice can help to bring us to greater healing after traumatic events.

Dynamics of Guilt and Shame

Sometimes the guilt for things we’ve done holds us back and blocks our happiness.  Other times the things that other people have told us have demeaned us and led to our feeling shame. That also blocks our happiness.  In coming to understand guilt and shame, it’s important to understand that… Read More »Dynamics of Guilt and Shame

It Gets Better: The First Steps

When people face difficult times in life, we often say, “It will get better.”  Will it?  What does it take to get better?  Does time heal all wounds?  When someone is caught in a cycle of bullying or abuse, how will it get better? 

Dogma or Belief: What’s True?

You believe something. Does that make it true?  Others have told you something is true.  But is it? When it comes to spirituality, how do we make sense of beliefs and dogma?  Let’s be honest: we all have beliefs and, yes, dogma too.  Are they real? Are they illusions? Or… Read More »Dogma or Belief: What’s True?

Going Deeper and Spiritual Growth

You’ve learned how to meditate. You have a practice of prayer.  But what comes next?  What is growing deeper mean in terms of spirituality?  Join me in exploring growth and integration of the spiritual dimension of your life.