R U A Spiritual Being?

Is the essence of who are you a spiritual being?  Are you a spiritual being having a human experience?  Or do you understand yourself and the spiritual aspect of your life in a different way?  What difference does it make? The following is a text version of this posting. Think… Read More »R U A Spiritual Being?

Mysticism’s Deep Experience

Mystics experience a unique depth in life.  Colored by the unitive dimension of mysticism, day-to-day living takes on sharper hues. The following is a text version of this posting. Mysticism.  It’s a topic that’s commonly discussed today in spiritually oriented groups.  On social media platforms, there are groups and threads… Read More »Mysticism’s Deep Experience

Christian Nationalism

Christian Nationalism has taken hold within the religious and political life of the United States.  But it’s not something new. It’s also happening in several other countries around the world today.  Christian Nationalism has been the foundation for empire-building and colonization.  It’s permeated theology and spiritual practice.  In this video,… Read More »Christian Nationalism

Hope: It’s the Hardest Thing

Life can come at us hard.  Sometimes it’s illness.  Sometimes it’s financial challenges.  Sometimes it’s the loss of loved ones.  Sometimes it’s broken relationships.  In the face of life’s challenges, hope gets us through.  Hope opens us to the possibility of something new or different.  But because we can’t see… Read More »Hope: It’s the Hardest Thing