It’s Our Nature

Sometimes I stand at the end of my driveway and focus on two wooden boxes perched in a corner of my yard.  These boxes are home to honey bees.  A few years ago, my partner began keeping hives to help sustain the bee population in our area. Watching the bees… Read More »It’s Our Nature

Finding Hope

I talk to my friend every few weeks.   We met over twenty years ago when we lived in the same city. Now we live at opposite ends of the country, so our contact is mostly by phone and email. Every few weeks, we have a long conversation in which we… Read More »Finding Hope

If It Doesn’t Kill You It Makes You Stronger?

            “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” That’s what philosopher Fredrick Nietzsche wrote about 150 years ago.  This sentiment is echoed in Kelley Clarkson’s hit song, “Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You).”              I recently spent time with a young woman.  While she’s bright, professionally engaged, and living… Read More »If It Doesn’t Kill You It Makes You Stronger?

Values to Live By

Most of us were raised with a set of values. As children, we were taught that we should share our toys, play nicely with our friends, show respect to the adults in charge (like teachers or the bus driver), and get along with others. We were taught to hold the… Read More »Values to Live By

Spirituality and Difficult Times in Life

It’s not uncommon for people to associate spirituality with positive feelings and an optimistic outlook on life. Words often connected with spirituality include peace, healing, wholeness, happiness, contentment, and fulfillment. Through spiritual practice, we hope to experience peace, healing, wholeness, happiness, contentment, and fulfillment. However, it doesn’t always work that… Read More »Spirituality and Difficult Times in Life

Transitions and Transfigurations

I’ve experienced many different kinds of transitions in my life.  I’ve lived in Johnstown, PA; Pittsburgh, PA; Morgantown, WV; Miami Beach, FL; Tucson, AZ; St. Louis, MO; and Atlanta, GA.  Movements from city to city represent one kind of transition I’ve experienced.  I’ve held many different jobs: hospital chaplain, pastor,… Read More »Transitions and Transfigurations

Are You Good Enough?

It’s a common problem. It’s so common that in the 1990s, the late-night TV show Saturday Night Live created a skit about people addressing this problem. With Al Franken playing the character Stuart Smalley, Stuart attempted to convince himself that he was good enough, smart enough, and that “Doggone it,… Read More »Are You Good Enough?