Living Faith

I’m a person of faith.  But here’s the thing:  while I believe deeply in some things, the beliefs I hold most firmly aren’t statements of religious dogma.  Even with my theological education, when I think about dogmatic statements, I generally scratch my head and wonder, “What’s the point?”  Among the… Read More »Living Faith

Another Birthday for Me

It’s another birthday for me.  While I am another year older, I’m not sure that I’m any wiser. Growing older is truly an enigma for me.  When I think about being in my sixties, I’m mostly confused about my life and what it means to be approaching retirement age. Yes,… Read More »Another Birthday for Me

An Unexpected Loss

It’s a trip I began planning a few months ago.  Taking advantage of the break between my academic quarters, I’m spending ten days in South Dakota.  It’s been nearly twenty years since I’ve visited the grassy prairie, the rugged Badlands, and the grand monument to Crazy Horse, the Lakota warrior.… Read More »An Unexpected Loss