The Grace of Aging: Five Aspects

Aging: the loss of abilities is a common perception about growing older.  Often ignored are aspects of aging that are improvements to life’s quality and personal fulfillment.   In this video, I’m addressing five aspects of aging that are important gifts to understand and appreciate. They are part of our… Read More »The Grace of Aging: Five Aspects

On Memorial Day, I Remember

I was a youth during the era of the Vietnam War. I remember watching televised coverage of the draft lottery: birthdates picked out of a machine that could have been used for bingo. Those of a certain age whose birthdays fell on the dates selected would be drafted. I also… Read More »On Memorial Day, I Remember

God in Drag

If you saw God, would you recognize God? What about the Divine in you?  What makes you human?  What do the mystics say?  As Hafiz said long ago: You are God in drag! The following is a text version of this blog. It was the French scientist and theologian Pierre… Read More »God in Drag

Can You Work with a Buddhist?

Jesus is my primary spiritual teacher.  As a spiritual director, am I able to work with others who follow a different path?  That’s what a Buddhist woman wanted to know. Perhaps you’ve wondered about that. The following is a text version of this blog. The question was simple and straightforward. … Read More »Can You Work with a Buddhist?

When One Door Closes …

“When one door closes another door opens.”  I’ve heard many people say that.  I’m not sure that I agree with that sentiment.  Let’s be honest:  there are times in life when all the doors seem to be nailed shut and there’s no way out.  That said, there are indeed times… Read More »When One Door Closes …