Keeping Light in the Darkness

We’re in a difficult period of history.  Most of us aren’t really sure how it all happened.  Future generations will surely see it more clearly than we do.  As you look around the world, there is significant division among people.  In many cases, governments seem to no longer have the… Read More »Keeping Light in the Darkness

Becoming Fire

The movement started when Christianity could be legally practiced in the Roman Empire.  Those in serious pursuit of a way of life that could be called “Christian” left their towns and cities and headed to remote places to live alone or in small groups.  The most notable were the people… Read More »Becoming Fire

Fifty Days: To Life!

It’s an old Eastern European custom.  I’m not sure if it’s still practiced in Slavic countries today, but it’s something we did when I was young.  On the day after Easter, Bright Monday, men and boys would splash, sprinkle, or squirt water on unsuspecting women while announcing, “Christ is risen!” … Read More »Fifty Days: To Life!

The Christianity of Jesus

I have several friends who no longer call themselves “Christian.”  It’s not that they’ve lost their faith or given up on God or something like that.  Instead, they don’t want to be associated with the narrow-minded, judgmental folks who present themselves as the “true Christians” of today.  (You know the… Read More »The Christianity of Jesus

Ancient Wisdom

The Bible is filled with stories that convey important lessons about how to live.  I think we often miss the best lessons in Biblical stories and have gravitated toward convenient conclusions from these stories.  An outstanding example of this is a story I learned in my childhood from the Hebrew… Read More »Ancient Wisdom