Success Stories

I recently met the parents of a good friend.  I enjoyed spending time with them, sharing a meal, and witnessing the joy they shared as a couple.  I’m not sure how long they’ve been married but I’d guess it’s been at least fifty years.  Clearly, their marriage is a successful… Read More »Success Stories

Pain and Paradise

It’s a stark image, one familiar to Christians who observe the time of Lent and Good Friday.  Jesus hangs on a cross.  On either side of him are two other criminals who also received a death sentence.   As the gospel writer known as Luke conveys, one criminal who shares this… Read More »Pain and Paradise

Giving for Lent

  People started asking me the question the day before Ash Wednesday:  what are you giving up for Lent?  It seems that the time before Easter known as Lent has become synonymous with giving up or fasting from day to day pleasures, like candy, the use of social media, or… Read More »Giving for Lent

An Ash Valentine’s Day

It’s an odd year. It happened like this in 1945.  It happened again in 2018.  It just doesn’t happen often. Now it’s happening again:  Ash Wednesday falls on February 14 — Valentine’s Day. While there are lots of jokes being made about the coincidence online, I look at this unique happenstance of… Read More »An Ash Valentine’s Day

The Wonder of Being

There’s something truly remarkable about it.  I find myself watching for a few minutes each morning.  I open the blinds to the window in my study and look out to the yard and find six or eight squirrels scurry about as a sun comes over the horizon. It’s not that… Read More »The Wonder of Being

From Fear to Possibility

Of all the people with whom I’ve worked, Rosie is someone who left a clear impression on me.  If you saw Rosie on the street, you’d probably give her some extra room and avoid eye contact.  But if you had the opportunity to know her, she was a kind and… Read More »From Fear to Possibility