Leaning Into Gratitude

One of the lessons many of us learned at a young age was to say please and thank-you. While teaching a child these simple words is meant to help the child learn to be polite in their interactions with others, expressing thanks — gratitude — is a significant attribute for… Read More »Leaning Into Gratitude

A Comedian and Racism: Wow!

A familiar tone sounded on my smartphone.  An email arrived.  I glanced and saw that it was from the public library.  I had been on a waiting list for a book.  It was now available.  As soon as I could, I went online and had the copy sent to my… Read More »A Comedian and Racism: Wow!

Time and the New Year

If you’re like me, you live most of your life with an acute awareness of time.  Minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months organize appointments, deadlines, and opportunities for routines like sharing meals or engaging in spiritual practice.  Everything is governed by time. Or is it? We know that time is… Read More »Time and the New Year

So, This Is Christmas …

It was quite unexpected.  Her mother fell on a patch of ice the week before Thanksgiving.  The broken hip was a concern, but following surgery, she was admitted to rehab. It seemed as though all was well.  But then there were complications.  She died about a week ago. The family… Read More »So, This Is Christmas …

The Truth about the Christmas Stories

Sir John Polkinghorne, the renowned particle physicist who, as a second career, became an Anglican priest, tells a story that’s very insightful.  The members of his first parish weren’t sure if they would be able to understand sermons delivered by this very accomplished scientist.  Dr. John Polkinghorne quickly changed that… Read More »The Truth about the Christmas Stories

The Coming of God-With-Us

As twilight falls, I sit in a favorite chair in my study.  The glow of the candles casts shadows in the room from their placement near an icon in a corner. In the stillness, I begin to sing a familiar hymn: O come, O come, Emmanuel And ransom captive Israel….… Read More »The Coming of God-With-Us

Healing Inner Pain

There are times I think about growing up and how wonderful it was.  When I was very young, I’d play for hours in my sandbox.  As I got older, I’d go walking in the woods and play beside the creek.  In time, I learned to drive and like most of… Read More »Healing Inner Pain

Thanksgiving: The Way It Is

It’s much the same this year as it was last year….and the year before that. In the week before the Thanksgiving holiday, many TV shows in the United States have a Thanksgiving-themed episode. They generally follow the same plot: a holiday dinner with family that turns into the height of… Read More »Thanksgiving: The Way It Is