The Wonder of the Mystic

Wonder. Awe. Amazement.  Moments that captivate us can be a gateway to mystical experiences. In exploring these moments in life that lead us to stand outside of ourselves, what can we learn about spirituality and mysticism?  The following is a text version of this posting. Near the end of his… Read More »The Wonder of the Mystic

What’s This About Black Jesus?

People talk about Black Jesus.  Was Jesus Black?  He wasn’t white.  Jesus was a Jew from ancient Palestine.  He was Middle Eastern.  Yet we picture him as white with long flowing hair. What is this all about? The following is a text version of this posting. Maybe you’ve noticed this… Read More »What’s This About Black Jesus?

The God in Whom I Believe

The word, “God.”  Do people mean the same thing when they use it?  Could it be that people, even in the same religion, have different understandings of God?  In this video, I’m sharing some aspects of the God in whom I believe.  The following is a text version of this… Read More »The God in Whom I Believe

Christianity: What Went Wrong?

The beginning was clear and simple.  Jesus taught his followers to love God, love others, and love themselves.  Today, we have conflicting doctrines and dogma clung to by arcane institutions. How did we get it so very wrong?  The following is a text version of this posting. The beginning was… Read More »Christianity: What Went Wrong?