
To retreat.  The online dictionary first definition of “retreat” is in military terms:  to withdraw from an enemy force as a result of superior power.  While I’m not aware of “an enemy force” let alone “superior power,” I am going to withdraw from my day to day life for about… Read More »Retreat

The Gift that is Present

Stories have a certain kind of potency to them.  Stories convey life lessons that often make rote learning seem shallow.  Long after they are told, stories can continue to inspire the hearer who in turn can draw multiple layers of meaning while ruminating on the parable.  This is the case… Read More »The Gift that is Present

Sometimes We All Have Pain

It’s a classic song from my high school days.  I’m surprised how often I find the song playing as background music in my mind.  It was in 1972 that singer-song writer Bill Withers released this soulful tune: “Sometimes in our lives we all have pain We all have sorrow …”… Read More »Sometimes We All Have Pain