Love That Is Disordered

Have there been times in your life when you’ve chosen your own benefit at the expense of others?  I was spending a few days at an event with colleagues.  After breakfast, a long-time friend pulled me aside to talk.  She quietly told me that she wanted to share something personal… Read More »Love That Is Disordered

Epiphany Carol

As the New Year begins, and the Twelve Days of Christmas come to culmination on Epiphany, I thought I’d simply share a poem by Thomas Merton.  In case this is not familiar to you, Epiphany ends the twelve days of Christmas and  is traditionally observed among Christians on January 6. … Read More »Epiphany Carol

Yes, I Believe in Santa Claus

When it comes to Christmas, what do you believe? It’s like it happened yesterday. I woke up Christmas morning. It was still dark outside. No one else was awake in the house. I made my way from my bedroom, through the living room, to the dining room where my family… Read More »Yes, I Believe in Santa Claus

A Blue Christmas

As Christmas approaches, does the absence of loved ones color the season with shades of blue? It’s a song that’s part of my early childhood memories. I’m sure I remember it because both of my parents always listened to music and my father tended to sing along. Given my parent’s… Read More »A Blue Christmas

Beyond the Ordinary

In the midst of all the routine aspects of your life, what inspires you to find something special or more meaningful in your life? A new day begins. We get out of bed, get dressed, grab breakfast, perhaps help family members get ready for the day, and go off to… Read More »Beyond the Ordinary

Gratitude and Hallelujah!

Have you considered that most things that happen in our lives are neither essentially good nor bad but some ambiguous mix that we consider “ordinary?” Perhaps one of the most haunting melodies in contemporary music is Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah! Since his death on November 7, 2016, the song has been… Read More »Gratitude and Hallelujah!