Praying with Icons

Many people draw inspiration for their lives from art. What are some of the images which have inspired you? Among the ancient Christian spiritual practices is to sit in silent meditation, while gazing on a stylized artistic image known as an icon. Still prevalent in Eastern Christianity today, icons are… Read More »Praying with Icons

A Mid-Day Pause

Is there something that’s part of your day, a small routine or ritual, that helps you to be more centered and focused? We often think of spiritual practice in terms of meditation, prayer, walking a labyrinth, or other activities that have an obvious foundation in a spiritual tradition.  But spiritual… Read More »A Mid-Day Pause

Creative Labor

Was there a time when your hard work resulted in something creative or beautiful? Creativity:  that’s how something new comes into being or is formed. We often think of creativity in terms of the arts, like painting a picture or composing a song.  But creativity is expressed in many dimensions… Read More »Creative Labor

The Gospel of Nature

How has experiencing nature inspired you?  How has nature shaped your spiritual experience? The Hebrew Psalmist captured it well: “The heavens tell of your glory, O God, and the earth proclaims your handiwork. One day after another tells the story and night after night reveals knowledge. There is no speech,… Read More »The Gospel of Nature

The Body of Christ

Are there times when you’ve been connected to others in a profound way? In that experience of connectedness with another, did you sense a deep, spiritual presence? In late May, I was spending a week at a Benedictine monastery for a time of rest and retreat. Sunday of that week… Read More »The Body of Christ

Living the Questions

Have you ever questioned your faith or wondered if what you were taught was true for you? As a child, I learned about faith and religion from a catechism:  a summary of principles of the Christian religion in the form of questions and answers.  Catechisms were viewed as foundational among… Read More »Living the Questions

Grace: Make it Happen!

Do good things happen in your life for no reason?  Have you received something beneficial by chance, luck, or serendipity? What role have others played to enable you to experience something wonderful? A familiar story told by many preachers goes something like this: A fellow was stuck on his rooftop… Read More »Grace: Make it Happen!