Pilgrimage: Depart to Arrive

Pilgrimage. The Merriam-Webster dictionary provides these two definitions of pilgrimage: • a journey to a holy place • a journey to a special or unusual place The heart of pilgrimage is a journey. Typically, the journey of a pilgrim is a physical one. In United States history we think of… Read More »Pilgrimage: Depart to Arrive

The Myth of the Lone Wolf

It’s a striking image: a wild, dominant wolf, alone and on its own seeking prey while ruling its territory. This metaphor is not just popular among young men who seek to define themselves as rugged individuals. The lone wolf is also something of an analogy for a strong leader, a… Read More »The Myth of the Lone Wolf

A New Year and Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions. I almost hate to admit this publicly, but I really don’t see the point to New Year’s resolutions. How many people make resolutions? How few people keep their resolutions past the end of January? A couple years ago, I wrote about using goal theory to help succeed… Read More »A New Year and Resolutions

So, This Is Christmas …

It was quite unexpected. Her mother fell on a patch of ice the week before Thanksgiving. The broken hip was a concern, but following surgery she was admitted to rehab. It seemed as though all was well. But then there were complications. She died about a week ago. The family… Read More »So, This Is Christmas …

Yes, I Believe in Santa Claus

It’s like it happened yesterday. I woke up Christmas morning. It was still dark outside. No one else was awake in the house. I made my way from my bedroom, through the living room, to the dining room where my family always placed the Christmas tree. My eyes must have… Read More »Yes, I Believe in Santa Claus