Do You Know Judas?

Judas: the name is associated with words like traitor, back-stabber, turn-coat, false-friend, and double-crosser. We want to view Judas, the person who set-up Jesus so that the religious authorities could arrest him in secret, as not just wrong but as evil or perhaps demonically possessed. In doing so, we miss… Read More »Do You Know Judas?

The Spring Garden

Spring: it’s fresh, green, and full of promise. It’s with optimism that I spend what time I can in the yard, clearing the debris from winter, preparing the ground, and planting both flowers and vegetables in the garden. What will this season of planting and new growth bring? Will there… Read More »The Spring Garden

In Search of Noah

In its weekend debut, it rose to the top of box office sales. Remarkably, the epic movie, Noah, collected 44 million dollars from Friday to Sunday March 28 to 30. Perhaps part of the reason for the surge in ticket sales is the controversy over the movie and whether it… Read More »In Search of Noah

Journey to A New Way of Living

It happened about 200,000 thousand years ago. That’s a startling amount of time for me to consider! Jesus of Nazareth lived two thousand years ago. Two thousand years is difficult for me to comprehend. But one hundred times two thousand years? Wow! Yet, that’s when modern human beings emerged on… Read More »Journey to A New Way of Living


There are times in each of our lives when we experience a complex set of feelings. It’s not a pleasant experience at all. Yet, it seems to be something that most – if not all – people go through now and again. Some have described it as sinking into a… Read More »Trapped

Giving or Giving Up for Lent

It was an enjoyable evening with friends. A half dozen of us gathered in a restaurant for dinner. I hadn’t realized it until we all sat at the table: three of us were members of the clergy while the other three hold no connection to organized religion. Given the make-up… Read More »Giving or Giving Up for Lent

Where’s the Evidence?

I’ve taught in graduate programs for over twenty years. It doesn’t seem like a long time until I make a statement like that. While every job has its ups and downs, overall I really enjoy teaching. Currently, most of the courses I teach are about research methods in social science.… Read More »Where’s the Evidence?