The Wonder of the Present Moment

Many people find themselves caught up with worries and anxieties. Regrets from the past seem to haunt some people. They think to themselves, “If only I had done this differently!” or “I wish I had never done that!” Yet, the truth is this: whatever it is that we’ve done or… Read More »The Wonder of the Present Moment

Bedtime Prayers

As a child, my parents taught me to say my prayers before going to sleep at night. Over the years, this practice had grown and evolved. Today, as I prepare for sleep, my “bedtime prayers” are based on the tradition practiced in Christian monasteries. At the end of the day,… Read More »Bedtime Prayers

I Appreciate You!

If you ran into him on the street and noticed him, you’re likely to think, “He’s an odd looking fellow.” While he appears to be in his fifties, I think he’s much younger. He’s about 5’5” tall, wears a hat that’s a bit too large so that it hangs over… Read More »I Appreciate You!