Star Gazing

It was a warm spring evening. After dinner from the grill, I sat out on the deck as the evening grew dark. Leaning back in my chair, with feet propped up on another chair, I watched as the moon rose and the stars first appeared. Scanning the night sky, I… Read More »Star Gazing

What is Truth?

A good friend emailed me on Monday evening and asked if I “happened to see the CBS Evening News, when Scott Pelley interviewed 3 seminarians studying at the North American Seminary in Rome.” I had not. But on his suggestion, on Tuesday morning, I went to the web site and… Read More »What is Truth?

A Beginners Guide to Meditation

While there are many books written on meditation, some from particular religious traditions and others based on individual experience, it’s challenging to find a simple, practical guide for meditation. There are many people who just want to know how to meditate. For them, here’s a brief introduction to the process.… Read More »A Beginners Guide to Meditation