Starting Over Again

It’s happened before. I’m sure it will happen again. Each time, I learn something new about myself. While I find it difficult to say that the new insight is sufficient to make it a good experience, I can’t really say it’s been a bad one. It’s just part of the… Read More »Starting Over Again

Love Dogs

Love Dogs A Poem by Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks One night a man was crying Allah! Allah! His lips grew sweet with praising, until a cynic said, “So! I’ve heard you calling out, but have you ever gotten any response?” The man had no answer to that. He quit… Read More »Love Dogs

Faith and Culture

Of the many issues that divide people around the world, one of the most challenging is the relationship between faith and culture. In order to maintain a sense of their culture, the French have instituted laws banning people from wearing particular items of religious clothing in specific public places. Similar… Read More »Faith and Culture

Easter and New Life

It’s easy for me to associate Easter with new life. Living in the northern hemisphere, my experience of Easter is associated with the budding of trees and blooming of flowers. Having grown up in Western Pennsylvania, there were some years when Easter mornings came blanketed with snow. But even then,… Read More »Easter and New Life

Lessons from the Garden

Over the last few weeks, a new activity has become part of my daily routine. Around six o’clock in the evening, I step out the back door of my home and walk through the back yard to inspect the condition of the garden. It would actually be more accurate to… Read More »Lessons from the Garden

Respecting All Paths

Because I spend time with people from a variety of spiritual and religious traditions, I often hear people say, “I respect all paths.” Respecting all paths is an interesting concept. It conveys an acceptance of beliefs that differ from one’s own — a kind of affirmation of the universality in… Read More »Respecting All Paths