
When I was young, I remember going out at night to the backyard of my family’s home and staring up at the sky. It seemed as though I could stay there for hours just gazing into the heavens. In one of my grade school science classes, we learned about stellar… Read More »Darkness

Becoming Fire

The movement started when Christianity could be legally practiced in the Roman Empire. Those in serious pursuit of a way of life that could be called “Christian” left their towns and cities and headed to remote places to live alone or in small groups. The most notable were the ones… Read More »Becoming Fire

God on the Inside

I came across a prayer today that led me to think about spirituality, what it means to be human, and the nature of the Divine. The words were written by John Wesley: “I am no longer my own, but yours. Put me to what you will, rank me with whom… Read More »God on the Inside

Sharing in Silence

Dusk had fallen as I drove the residential street and turned into the parking lot. I carefully parked my car between two others. I walked to the front of the building and entered the door that led into the dimly lit church. Around the communion table, 30 or 40 candles… Read More »Sharing in Silence

The Decision to Love

My childhood education was a bit different from that of other people in my generation. I went to Catholic school. On the one hand, I had advantages that kids who attended public school in my area didn’t have, like a grade school science lab and self-paced lessons in other courses.… Read More »The Decision to Love

Inside and Outside

What’s it like to be on the inside? How is being on the inside different from being on the outside? As I walk through my neighborhood, I pass the homes of my neighbors. I have impressions about what it’s like to be inside of those homes, to be members of… Read More »Inside and Outside

Does God Answer Prayer?

In a previous posting, Does God Care?, I shared my perspective on whether God chooses winners and losers in human affairs based on our prayers. Examples included praying for a particular political candidate or sports team to win. In response to that entry, I received a few comments that essentially… Read More »Does God Answer Prayer?