World AIDS Day

As I entered the church for Sunday morning’s service, I noticed about a dozen people gathered around a large display. As I moved closer, I recognized the cloth in front of them: it was a panel from the Names Project, also known as the AIDS Memorial Quilt. The Names Project… Read More »World AIDS Day


We scheduled the evening a couple of weeks in advance of the date. Having visited with our next door neighbors a few times, we planned an evening out for dinner. The plan was simple: they’d come over and we’d drive to an ethnic neighborhood for authentic Chinese food. Having moved… Read More »Thanksgiving

Corporate restructuring

Corporate restructuring. It’s a phrase we often hear in these difficult economic times. Corporate restructuring generally occurs when a company or corporation is making significant changes to the ways it does business in order to maintain profits while spending less money. Corporate restructuring is generally described as something that’s good… Read More »Corporate restructuring


I I was doing some errands today. After getting in the car and pulling out of the driveway, I realized that I probably should get some gas. I headed out of my neighborhood and down the street about a mile and a half to a little corner gas station and… Read More »Hunger

Quotidian Mysteries

I mostly meant it as a joke. But there was a serious side to it. Some responded to the humorous intention. Surprisingly, it proved to elicit thoughtful comments from others. There were even a couple people who sent private messages to explore my off-handed comment further. Here’s what transpired. A… Read More »Quotidian Mysteries

Signs of the Season

There was a crisp, cool bite to the air as I left the house this morning. I sipped warm coffee as I drove on my way. It was early, with the lingering dusk before what would become a bright morning. The cars parked along my way bore frosty windshields. Seeing… Read More »Signs of the Season