Thoughts about Meditation

The group of eight or ten of us sat in a circle. We gathered around a table draped with a colorful cloth. A single candle was lit. A CD player in the corner provided background music of medieval Christian chant. We began to share something from the time we spent… Read More »Thoughts about Meditation

What We Remember

The conversation was animated. We talked over dinner, laughing and joking, while sharing insights and solving the world’s problems. Again we laugh as we all agreed: if only others would take our suggestions, how much better the world would be! And we laughed some more. The conversation became more deliberate… Read More »What We Remember

Ethics and Class

We stood in line and waited. And we waited. And we waited some more. The wait was almost three quarters of an hour. While time passed as we talked and laughed, waiting marked most of the day. It was our last planned summer outing: a day at a water park… Read More »Ethics and Class