Ethics and Class

We stood in line and waited. And we waited. And we waited some more. The wait was almost three quarters of an hour. While time passed as we talked and laughed, waiting marked most of the day. It was our last planned summer outing: a day at a water park… Read More »Ethics and Class

Holy Water

I It’s a long drive.  I made it once when moving from Miami to Tucson.  It was the part that seemed to never end.  While the drive is all on one road, Interstate 10, when making the trip across Texas, it seems like Texas goes forever!  Indeed, driving from Houston… Read More »Holy Water

Spirituality and a GPS

Driving one evening in a part of town that was new to us, we decided to look for a particular restaurant that we heard was somewhere in the area. I drove and my partner used his cell phone to find the restaurant on a map. In a short time, he… Read More »Spirituality and a GPS

On Being Here … Or Not

I finished the meeting with a sense of frustration. While I’ve been through this before, I found myself again amazed at the amount of time that was spent addressing non-critical details. The words of a former colleague came to mind. “Some people just major in minors.” In other words, there… Read More »On Being Here … Or Not

My Guilty Pleasure

It’s been my guilty pleasure for the summer. Yes, a guilty pleasure: something a bit out of my mainstream that I’ve really enjoyed. I hated to see it end. It was the perfect thing for me to do before bed on these summer evenings. Over the last two months, I’ve… Read More »My Guilty Pleasure

Book Review: A Quiet Mind: Uniting Body, Mind and Emotions in Christian Spirituality by the Rev. Eva McIntyre

If we’re honest, most of us recognize that we regularly tell ourselves negative things about ourselves. While we each have versions of this negative “self-talk,” in some way we each say things to ourselves like, “You’re not good enough. You don’t fit in. You’re not good looking. You just can’t… Read More »Book Review: A Quiet Mind: Uniting Body, Mind and Emotions in Christian Spirituality by the Rev. Eva McIntyre