Immigrant Roots Today

It was a familiar drive. Taking the exit from the freeway, I followed a heavily traveled street along the river for a few miles. I’d frequently pass barges carrying ore or other materials for the mills. I’d cross a small bridge and make a right turn over the rail road… Read More »Immigrant Roots Today

What Would It Be Like?

It happened in Europe after World War I. The continent was in shambles. The Western world faced depression. The people remembered: in France, Italy, Germany, and England, the troops all went to war with the blessing of clergy and the nationalistic belief: God is on our side! But in the… Read More »What Would It Be Like?

Capitalism & Christianity

It’s a question in a variety of settings, from a variety of different people. I was surprised to read that a poll within the United States recently asked the very same question. The results were surprising to me. The question: is Christianity compatible with capitalism? The Public Religion Research Institute… Read More »Capitalism & Christianity

Where’s the Humanity?

While shopping in the local grocery store, I heard a father explain to his young daughter, “We don’t buy those eggs. We buy this kind.” “What’s the difference?” the little girl asked. Her father patiently explained, “These eggs are from chickens that weren’t raised in cages. They could move around… Read More »Where’s the Humanity?