New Beginnings

It’s something new:  a new relationship, a new job, a new home, a new city, a new child, a new start, a new beginning.  When we start something new, there’s excitment and anticipation.  Family and friends congratulate us.  They are happy for us.  How wonderful! When we are in the… Read More »New Beginnings

Lessons in Resilience

I sit with her and listen to her stories. At age 84, she’s been through a great deal. While she shares happy memories, many of the stories are tinged with hardship. Her first memory? That was walking the railroad tracks with her older sisters. She’s the youngest of eight siblings.… Read More »Lessons in Resilience

Hope in the Midst of Horror

It was 7:10 AM. The clock radio filled my bedroom with the sounds of Morning Edition from National Public Radio. I was roused from my sleep. As I lay in bed and listened, I learned of the events that continued to unfold in Japan following the earthquakes and tsunami. A… Read More »Hope in the Midst of Horror