Stress: Breaking the Cycle

Stress: sometimes it’s just overwhelming and gets the best of us. Sometimes, because of stress, we lose our perspective on life and are immobilized. Before I say anything more about stress, it’s important to remember that stress is a valuable part of life. Often, stress is viewed as something bad.… Read More »Stress: Breaking the Cycle

A Sacred Place

What makes a place sacred? Is it because someone or some group has said it is sacred? Or is it because there are prayers, rituals, or ceremonies done there to designate the place as sacred? Does it matter if a place is sacred to one person but not to another?… Read More »A Sacred Place

God Loves Everyone? Hmmm…..

In my previous posting, I began by quoting a Facebook status comment from one of my Facebook friends: “Everybody sins & God loves everybody. No exceptions. How come people like to separate the clauses?” After sharing some thoughts last week about the phrase, “everybody sins,” this week I want to… Read More »God Loves Everyone? Hmmm…..