Blandina and Her Companions

In the late afternoon, I made my way to a local Episcopal church. I sometimes stop at their small chapel for the mid-week service. This Eucharistic service is quiet and unobtrusive. Over the last few months, attendance here has been the only thread I’ve maintained with traditional church practices. Arriving… Read More »Blandina and Her Companions

A Means to an End

It was 1975. In a classroom with about three dozen college freshman, a simple question was asked: do the means justify the ends? Morally, does achieving a result that is good allow an individual to do anything it takes to achieve that good result? Is it moral to kill people… Read More »A Means to an End

An Open Letter to Bill Maher

Dear Bill: From the years when you hosted a show on network TV, I’ve respected your commentary and insight. You’ve provided clear, objective critique of political issues and maintained a good sense of humor in the process. Your positions are generally well informed and demonstrate critical thought. Given that your… Read More »An Open Letter to Bill Maher

What Was He Like?

What kind of person was Mohammed? Was Confucius a rigid individual or a fun loving person? Was Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) an introvert or an extrovert? What was Jesus’ outlook on life? The founders of the great religious/spiritual traditions are honored, revered, and held in a sacred place by their… Read More »What Was He Like?

Finding Joy

We met at a popular coffee shop. It had been two years since we had been able to visit. I was looking forward to the time with my friend and colleague, Lee. Lee and I caught up on various events in life. We had both been through a great deal… Read More »Finding Joy