
Capitalism & Christianity

It’s a question in a variety of settings, from a variety of different people. I was surprised to read that a poll within the United States recently asked the very same question. The results were surprising to me. The question: is Christianity compatible with capitalism? The Public Religion Research Institute… Read More »Capitalism & Christianity

Glenn Beck: Be Very Afraid!

Glenn Beck: run as fast you can away from me. I’m your worst nightmare. I am a Christian specifically because I believe in the message of social and economic justice that Jesus taught. I take the message of Jesus very seriously. When Jesus sat with followers on a hillside and… Read More »Glenn Beck: Be Very Afraid!


Conservative and Christian?

Conservative Christians dominate political and social life in the United States. While I know that there are hundreds of thousands of Evangelical Christians and Roman Catholics who consider themselves to be conservative Christians, it’s puzzling to me how the concepts of conservatism and Christianity can be aligned. While American conservatives… Read More »Conservative and Christian?