
Tebow, Abortion, and Choice

Over the last few weeks, controversy has arisen about the Super Bowl ad to be aired on CBS with football player Tim Tebow and his mother discussing her choice not to have an abortion. The protests have arisen on two fronts: because women’s groups are sensitive to the heavy handed… Read More »Tebow, Abortion, and Choice

Mary: A Higher Power

I received email recently from one of my high school classmates. While we haven’t seen each other since high school, we reconnected last year through Facebook. She’s been in a 12-step program for many years and commented about the importance of Mary, the mother of Jesus, as her higher power.… Read More »Mary: A Higher Power


My Belief in God

I’m sometimes asked about my belief in God. It’s difficult to respond to questions about how or why I believe in a life-creating and life-sustaining presence which somehow is greater than my imagination. I can’t prove the existence of God – nor do I particularly want to. My faith is… Read More »My Belief in God