
Buddhist Practice and Christian Lent

The practice is called, “tonglen.” The word is Tibetan and can be translated as giving and taking or sending and receiving. The practice appears to date to the 12th century in Tibet, but originated in India before that. Over the last several months, I’ve been learning more about the Tibetan… Read More »Buddhist Practice and Christian Lent


Will Hatred End?

As I read Facebook status up-dates one day last week, the words posted by a friend struck a deep cord. The question he posed was simple, frank, and stark. It read: Will the hate ever stop? As best as I could tell, the question was not connected to a specific… Read More »Will Hatred End?

Spirituality, Belief and Truth

If you asked a group of people about their experiences of spirituality and their beliefs, you’d quickly discover that people who maintain regular spiritual practices and strive to integrate the wisdom lived from those practices with their daily lives tend to believe wide variety different things. While there may be… Read More »Spirituality, Belief and Truth


Conservative and Christian?

Conservative Christians dominate political and social life in the United States. While I know that there are hundreds of thousands of Evangelical Christians and Roman Catholics who consider themselves to be conservative Christians, it’s puzzling to me how the concepts of conservatism and Christianity can be aligned. While American conservatives… Read More »Conservative and Christian?