
Renewed in Spring

Springtime is drawing near in the northern hemisphere.  Days are becoming longer as sunlight continues into the evening.  Snow and ice have begun to melt off in many regions.  The first flowers poke out of the ground while tree limbs swell and buds begin to appear.  There’s a sense of… Read More »Renewed in Spring

The Lenten Fast: It’s More Than Giving Up Sweets

Each year, the question is asked again.  It becomes part of the discussion in churches and groups of Christians, both in person and in virtual settings.  What are you giving up for Lent?  The answers include favorite foods, like desserts or chocolate.  Some give up the use of social media. … Read More »The Lenten Fast: It’s More Than Giving Up Sweets


Giving or Giving Up for Lent

It was an enjoyable evening with friends. A half dozen of us gathered in a restaurant for dinner. I hadn’t realized it until we all sat at the table: three of us were members of the clergy while the other three hold no connection to organized religion. Given the make-up… Read More »Giving or Giving Up for Lent