
Unlearning Christianity

Many Christian churches claim to have all the answers. What happens when you realize that they are wrong?  Is it possible to let go of what was wrong while learning to hold on to what is good and true?  I’m sharing part of my story about the process of unlearning… Read More »Unlearning Christianity

“God” is a Verb

We’ve been taught to believe that God is a person, usually a male person, who is out there somewhere.  But that limits God to the definitions and categories we create.  Perhaps it’s time to understand God as a verb:  active, dynamic, and engaging. I explain what I mean more fully… Read More »“God” is a Verb


God in Drag

If you saw God, would you recognize God? What about the Divine in you?  What makes you human?  What do the mystics say?  As Hafiz said long ago: You are God in drag! The following is a text version of this blog. It was the French scientist and theologian Pierre… Read More »God in Drag

The God in Whom I Believe

The word, “God.”  Do people mean the same thing when they use it?  Could it be that people, even in the same religion, have different understandings of God?  In this video, I’m sharing some aspects of the God in whom I believe.  The following is a text version of this… Read More »The God in Whom I Believe

It’s a Sin!

If it’s fun or pleasurable, it must be a sin!  That’s what many people seem to think.  Sin isn’t about an action or habit.  It has to do with how we live.  The following is a text version of this posting. It’s a Sin!  The song by the Pet Shop… Read More »It’s a Sin!