
Does God Answer Prayer?

In a previous posting, Does God Care?, I shared my perspective on whether God chooses winners and losers in human affairs based on our prayers. Examples included praying for a particular political candidate or sports team to win. In response to that entry, I received a few comments that essentially… Read More »Does God Answer Prayer?


Does God Care?

As I skimmed Facebook status up-dates from my friends, I was surprised to run into this statement: “Let me be blunt. If you do not actively support (X’s) campaign to be the next president of the United States of America—if you do not pray on a daily basis for his… Read More »Does God Care?

God Loves Everyone? Hmmm…..

In my previous posting, I began by quoting a Facebook status comment from one of my Facebook friends: “Everybody sins & God loves everybody. No exceptions. How come people like to separate the clauses?” After sharing some thoughts last week about the phrase, “everybody sins,” this week I want to… Read More »God Loves Everyone? Hmmm…..

Sin: Can We Talk About It?

About a week ago, one of my Facebook (FB) friends posted this comment as a status up-date: “Everybody sins & God loves everybody. No exceptions. How come people like to separate the clauses?” I may not have given the comment much notice, but this FB friend is known to be… Read More »Sin: Can We Talk About It?

Who We Are

It’s a new year. It’s also a new quarter for me at the university. While preparing for my next round of courses, I thought about a discussion I regularly have with the students in psychology. The conversation is about a therapist’s theoretical orientation. Let me explain. Therapists are encouraged to… Read More »Who We Are


Lady Gaga: What is the Truth?

She’s regularly in the news. She’s the current a pop sensation. She generates press by acting, dressing, and presenting herself as over-the-top. At age 24, Stefani Germanotta has achieved international fame within two years of the release of her first album. In the midst of the glamour and well-honed PR,… Read More »Lady Gaga: What is the Truth?

Conservative and Christian?

Conservative Christians dominate political and social life in the United States. While I know that there are hundreds of thousands of Evangelical Christians and Roman Catholics who consider themselves to be conservative Christians, it’s puzzling to me how the concepts of conservatism and Christianity can be aligned. While American conservatives… Read More »Conservative and Christian?