gun violence

Gun Violence and the Price We Pay

As I write, it’s one day after another major gun spree in the United States. This time, it was in the Navy Yard in Washington, DC. Twelve people were massacred. The shooter is also dead. As I reviewed the newsfeed on Facebook today, I found that many of my friends… Read More »Gun Violence and the Price We Pay


Balance and Our Lives Together

It’s a common understanding in Western countries: individual citizens have rights. Issues of human rights come into play when dealing with imprisonment, the news media, and a myriad of issues related to religious practice, personal choices, privacy, health, and so much more. Some countries are listed by the United Nations… Read More »Balance and Our Lives Together

Tragic Holidays

The past week has been a difficult one in the United States. Yes, there was another senseless shooting. Over two dozen innocent people were killed, mostly children. The killer was little more than a youth himself. In our tragedy, the world looks on in horror and disbelief. The events of… Read More »Tragic Holidays