
Cycles of Living, Dying, and Rising

The cycle is all around us.  Life, death, and new life characterize existence as we know it. Perhaps by being more attentive to this cycle we can learn to flow with the changing rhythms of life and embrace life’s richness in each moment. The following is a text version of… Read More »Cycles of Living, Dying, and Rising


The Extravagance of Lent

Extravagance: that’s not something we usually associate with Lent.   Yet, extravagance is key to understanding the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.  To be extravagant, to be lavish, to be imprudent, to be over the top and do something no one else would do — yes, these are all key… Read More »The Extravagance of Lent

Lent and the God of Jesus

It’s an ancient tradition. Over the last 1500 years or so, Christians have observed a period of prayer and fasting prior to Easter.  In time, a forty-day period (Sundays aren’t included because Sundays are a memorial of Easter) emerged within the Christian tradition and came to be called Lent.  The… Read More »Lent and the God of Jesus

What Would Jesus Want?

WWJD? What Would Jesus Do? How about this? What would Jesus want us to do? Anyone who seriously reads the New Testament gospels will be uncomfortable when they realize what Jesus actually wants from his followers. The following is a text version of this posting. Some years ago, there was… Read More »What Would Jesus Want?