Meister Eckart

Set on Fire

From time to time, I post a meme on my Facebook page and Twitter feeds with quotes from spiritual writers I find inspiring.  A few days ago, I posted this one with a quote from 13th Century Christian mystic, Meister Eckhart. Eckhart was a Dominican priest, philosopher, and theologian.  In… Read More »Set on Fire

Giving Birth to God

A man talking about what it means for a woman to give birth? This seems like a topic about which women need to speak.  After all, biological males can’t get pregnant and carry a fetus to term and give birth. At the same time, there are some things I’ve observed… Read More »Giving Birth to God


Mary: A Higher Power

I received email recently from one of my high school classmates. While we haven’t seen each other since high school, we reconnected last year through Facebook. She’s been in a 12-step program for many years and commented about the importance of Mary, the mother of Jesus, as her higher power.… Read More »Mary: A Higher Power