
Faith: Moving Beyond Dogma

Faith.  It’s trust and confidence in someone or something.  It’s a conviction about something that’s not based on objective evidence. While we usually think about faith in terms of religious beliefs or the existence of a deity, we actually have faith about a great number of things in life.  For… Read More »Faith: Moving Beyond Dogma

My Internet Troll

Sometimes, I ‘m trolled on the Internet.  In case you’re not familiar with the term, “Internet troll,” it’s slang for someone who attempts to create discord online with arguments or inflammatory posts for no other purpose than to be disagreeable.  While I occasionally am trolled, I have one gentleman who’s… Read More »My Internet Troll


On Being Human

Who am I?  What makes me the person that I am?  I have to be honest:  I’m not really sure.  I have lots of roles.  I’m a professor, a mentor, a friend, a lover, a cook, a laundress, a lawn boy, a spiritual director, , an agitator, a letter writer…..and… Read More »On Being Human

Spirituality: The Air We Breathe

Spirituality. While it’s a word commonly used today, “spirituality” is often confusing to people.  This confusion arises from the wide variety of definitions and connotations of spirituality, some of which are misleading or simply wrong. The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines spirituality as “the quality of being concerned with the human… Read More »Spirituality: The Air We Breathe

Love That Is Disordered

Have there been times in your life when you’ve chosen your own benefit at the expense of others?  I was spending a few days at an event with colleagues.  After breakfast, a long-time friend pulled me aside to talk.  She quietly told me that she wanted to share something personal… Read More »Love That Is Disordered


A Blue Christmas

As Christmas approaches, does the absence of loved ones color the season with shades of blue? It’s a song that’s part of my early childhood memories. I’m sure I remember it because both of my parents always listened to music and my father tended to sing along. Given my parent’s… Read More »A Blue Christmas