
If God is Good, Why Did It Happen?

You’ve heard the question.  Perhaps you’ve asked it.  “If God is all good, then why did this happen?”  Yes, there’s lots of senseless tragedy in life.  That’s a reality with which many people struggle.  In this video, I share how I understand my belief in a Deity that is loving… Read More »If God is Good, Why Did It Happen?


Faith in the Midst of Tragedy

He was sweet and full of energy:  a blond-haired, blue-eyed six-year-old boy. He had a smile and laugh that conveyed joy to others.  His name was Chris.  I met him when on the pediatric unit of the hospital I served as a chaplain in the early 1980s. Over the next… Read More »Faith in the Midst of Tragedy

So, This Is Christmas …

It was quite unexpected.  Her mother fell on a patch of ice the week before Thanksgiving.  The broken hip was a concern, but following surgery, she was admitted to rehab. It seemed as though all was well.  But then there were complications.  She died about a week ago. The family… Read More »So, This Is Christmas …

Tragic Holidays

The past week has been a difficult one in the United States. Yes, there was another senseless shooting. Over two dozen innocent people were killed, mostly children. The killer was little more than a youth himself. In our tragedy, the world looks on in horror and disbelief. The events of… Read More »Tragic Holidays

What We Remember

The conversation was animated. We talked over dinner, laughing and joking, while sharing insights and solving the world’s problems. Again we laugh as we all agreed: if only others would take our suggestions, how much better the world would be! And we laughed some more. The conversation became more deliberate… Read More »What We Remember
