
Waiting, Peace, and Hope

Waiting.  We all do it.  At red lights. In doctor’s offices. When meeting up with friends.  Waiting creates a space, an openness in our lives.  Time slows as we anticipate what will come next.  The experience of waiting has implications for spiritual practice, too.  By creating space in our lives,… Read More »Waiting, Peace, and Hope


Advent: The Waiting Begins

Advent:  the season of waiting has begun.  Over the four weeks leading to Christmas, the tradition for Christians is to wait, to prepare, and to anticipate the coming of Christ.  Even amid the commercialization of Christmas, our spiritual practice is to pause, be still, and experience quiet as we wait.… Read More »Advent: The Waiting Begins


It’s an experience many of us have had this past year.  For me, the process took about a week.  I found the website for my state listing all of the testing centers.  Each center had a separate link with different hours of operations and appointments available.  It took me about… Read More »Waiting