
The Woman at the Well

The Woman at the Well Many churches will not have services this week.  In the case of churches continuing to hold services, many people will opt not to attend for health concerns.  As a way to support the spiritual journey of Christians during this Lenten Season, for the remaining Sundays… Read More »The Woman at the Well

Changing Our Hearts and Minds

Human beings are amazing creatures.  We consider ourselves the most evolved of creatures on Earth.  We have complex intelligence and keen awareness, an ability to create a wide array of symbolic forms of communication, giftedness for art and creativity, and a depth of compassion that seems to be greater than… Read More »Changing Our Hearts and Minds


Holy Water

Approximately 70% of the human body is water. Interestingly, 71% of the surface of Earth is covered with water. Water is necessary for life. It was through the water of life, amniotic fluid, that we developed and were ushered into life. Water is used for ritual in every major religion… Read More »Holy Water

Holy Water

I It’s a long drive.  I made it once when moving from Miami to Tucson.  It was the part that seemed to never end.  While the drive is all on one road, Interstate 10, when making the trip across Texas, it seems like Texas goes forever!  Indeed, driving from Houston… Read More »Holy Water