Building Your Spiritual Practice: Habits, Meditation, and Spiritual Reading

As people incorporate prayer and spiritual practice in their lives, some wonder what to do.  As an example, I’m sharing some aspects of my practice – my morning routine and the way I incorporate meditation and spiritual reading.  Perhaps it will help you to consider what would be helpful for your daily spiritual practice. 

2 thoughts on “Building Your Spiritual Practice: Habits, Meditation, and Spiritual Reading”

  1. Thank you for sharing these spiritual practice tips and and your being open example of how you do your spiritual rituals. Spiritual habits are good habits to build into our lifestyle. I will look for that book you recommend as I enjoy spiritual poetry.

    1. Thanks, Frank. It’s a challenge for many people to incorporate spiritual practice as a regular habit. But when they do, they experience how spiritual practice can bring authentic change in their lives. As always, I appreciate the comment. Lou

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