
Spirituality blog I wrote

Renewed in Spring

Springtime is drawing near in the northern hemisphere.  Days are becoming longer as sunlight continues into the evening.  Snow and ice have begun to melt off in many regions.  The first flowers poke out of the ground while tree limbs swell and buds begin to appear.  There’s a sense of… Read More »Renewed in Spring

Faith in the Midst of Tragedy

He was sweet and full of energy:  a blond-haired, blue-eyed six-year-old boy. He had a smile and laugh that conveyed joy to others.  His name was Chris.  I met him when on the pediatric unit of the hospital I served as a chaplain in the early 1980s. Over the next… Read More »Faith in the Midst of Tragedy


The Way Out Is Through

A profound hopelessness. A feeling of helplessness.  The experience of powerlessness.  A pessimistic outlook for the future.  These are various aspects of despair. Despair is a common human experience.  When things are going poorly, really poorly, when it seems like the bottom is falling out of life and we don’t… Read More »The Way Out Is Through

Can We Have a Dream?

In a few days, we in the United States will mark a national holiday commemorating the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.  As we approach this commemoration, many people will participate in volunteer events to improve their communities through activities ranging from cleaning up neighborhoods, repairing homes for senior neighbors,… Read More »Can We Have a Dream?


Starry Connections

At night, I’d slip out to the backyard of my family’s home to watch the night sky.  Growing up in the country, I’d often see a lot of stars.  In my youth, I didn’t know one from another.  Yet, on those nights in the backyard, I felt a deep connection… Read More »Starry Connections