
Spirituality blog I wrote

Hearing Into Being

I know that I’ve done it.  You probably have as well.  This time, I realized I was doing it as it occurred.  I guess you could say that I caught myself in the middle of the act. A friend of mine was having a rough time, feeling beaten down by… Read More »Hearing Into Being

What Does It All Mean?

It was a surprising encounter.  While in a waiting room, I began a friendly conversation with a young man.  We were the only ones there.  I was joking around with him about nothing in particular.  He asked me what I did for a living.  I rarely tell people in these… Read More »What Does It All Mean?

Alone and All One

As the first light of morning gently peeled back the shadows of night, I stepped onto my front porch with a cup of coffee.  Days are getting shorter as we move toward autumn.  Just a few weeks ago, it was bright and sunny at this same hour. I like this… Read More »Alone and All One


Hidden Losses

I was twelve years old.  I was old enough to know what was happening.  I have some clear memories of the events that transpired.  It was awkward and I wasn’t sure how to take in everything around me.  The events of that week were not like the day to day… Read More »Hidden Losses

Intentional Living and Discernment

Growing up in Pennsylvania, I was aware of people who were Amish and Mennonite.  Both groups are from the same branch of Christianity called Anabaptists.  Neither group is simply a religion.  They are ways of living, cultures, with social structures and customs which include their religious beliefs.  To leave these… Read More »Intentional Living and Discernment