The Extravagance of Lent

Extravagance: that’s not something we usually associate with Lent.   Yet, extravagance is key to understanding the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.  To be extravagant, to be lavish, to be imprudent, to be over the top and do something no one else would do — yes, these are all key… Read More »The Extravagance of Lent

Everything Happens for a Reason?

Stuff happens in people’s lives.  Some of it is tragic.  Sometimes people just can’t catch a break. Many people say, “Things happen for a reason.”  Do they?  Is that blaming the victim? Are some reasons behind the things that happen outside of a person’s control? The following is a text… Read More »Everything Happens for a Reason?

God in Drag

If you saw God, would you recognize God? What about the Divine in you?  What makes you human?  What do the mystics say?  As the Sufi mystic Hafiz wrote long ago: You are God in drag! The following is a text version of this blog. It was the French scientist… Read More »God in Drag

Lent and the God of Jesus

It’s an ancient tradition. Over the last 1500 years or so, Christians have observed a period of prayer and fasting prior to Easter.  In time, a forty-day period (Sundays aren’t included because Sundays are a memorial of Easter) emerged within the Christian tradition and came to be called Lent.  The… Read More »Lent and the God of Jesus

The Wonder of the Mystic

Wonder. Awe. Amazement. Moments like these captivate us. They can be a gateway to mystical experiences. Let’s explore how wonder leads us into the mystical life. The following is a text version of this posting. Near the end of his life, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote, “Never once in my… Read More »The Wonder of the Mystic