Everything Changes! What to do?

Change: it’s the one constant in life.  Everything is changing and nothing stays the same. Even though change is consistent throughout our lives, change is often difficult to accept.  When things fall apart in our lives, change happens suddenly and often unexpectedly.  Today, I’m considering how we make it through… Read More »Everything Changes! What to do?

What Now? When Things Fall Apart

There are times in all of our lives when things fall apart.  That’s happened to many people during the pandemic because of changes in work, school, childcare, and a range of activities. Of course, things have fallen apart for people because of the number of deaths due to COVID 19. … Read More »What Now? When Things Fall Apart

Four Point Plan for Spiritual Growth

Spirituality and spiritual growth can be confusing to people. Just like we grow in other aspects of our lives, we have the potential to also grow spirituality.  Like growth in other dimensions of our lives, spiritual growth requires a certain kind of balance and nourishment.  To help explain what’s helpful… Read More »Four Point Plan for Spiritual Growth

Making Real Change in Your Life

Each new year, we make resolutions.  Many of those resolutions are the same from one year to the next.  We start by thinking, “This will be the year that I do it!”  For some, it’s more exercise or weight loss. For others, it’s becoming a better person by kicking a… Read More »Making Real Change in Your Life

The Tender, Vulnerable Jesus

When I was in my twenties, I was uncomfortable with the importance placed on Christmas.  At that time, I thought that the birth of Jesus was, well, sort of important.  But everyone is born.  I reasoned that what was really important is the death and resurrection of Jesus.  After all,… Read More »The Tender, Vulnerable Jesus

Christmas: Hope in Hardship

The Christmas Story. Yes, it’s a familiar tale that fills us with a bit of sentimentality and a kind of romantic sensibility.  We think of the silent night, the angelic choirs, and the star that led the magi. But when we pay close attention to the details of the story,… Read More »Christmas: Hope in Hardship

An Ordinary Life

Few of us will become famous. It’s the rare person whose name goes down in history. While I drive around Atlanta, where I make my home, I see monuments to many people.  But those monuments represent just a few of the people who have been here.  In the scheme of… Read More »An Ordinary Life