The Mysteries of Daily Life

I mostly meant it as a joke. But there was a serious side to it. Some responded to the humorous intention. Surprisingly, it proved to elicit thoughtful comments from others. There were even a couple people who sent private messages to explore my off-handed comment further. Here’s what transpired. A… Read More »The Mysteries of Daily Life

The Hallowed Evening

Goblins and ghosts; zombies and vampires: as creatures of the night begin to stir, we know that Halloween is upon us. But how could we miss it? My grocery store is surely much like yours: the candy and decorative displays for Halloween have been near the store entrance for weeks!… Read More »The Hallowed Evening

Changes In A Year

Autumn 2019:  After a week of vacation in South Dakota, I was home for a couple of weeks.  I saw a couple of plays, had a few dinners out, and met a friend for drinks one evening.  I went on two work-related trips.  I hosted two houseguests from different parts… Read More »Changes In A Year

I Appreciate You

If you ran into him on the street and noticed him, you’re likely to think, “He’s an odd-looking fellow.”  While he appears to be in his fifties, I think he’s much younger.  He’s about 5’5” tall, wears a hat that’s a bit too large so that it hangs over his… Read More »I Appreciate You

The Light Switch

There are lots of memes on social media about 2020.  One I see regularly is captioned, “If 2020 were a scented candle…” and the image is a row of portable toilets on fire.  Another asks, “If 2020 were a drink, what would it be?”  The answer: a colonoscopy prep.  Yes,… Read More »The Light Switch

Seasons of Change

I stumbled out of bed one morning this week and into the bathroom a bit after 7:00 AM.  It occurred to me that it seemed unusually dark.  I somehow hadn’t noticed that sunrise is coming later and our days are growing shorter.  As I looked outside, I saw that the… Read More »Seasons of Change