The Essential Church

It’s been a challenge for organized religion.  Many local congregations face financial collapse. Sampling a few websites for a few churches, what stands out most is not the spiritual care they may offer but a donation button for online contributions.  Of course, there are the protests from “true believers” insisting… Read More »The Essential Church

When One Door Closes …

“When one door closes another door opens.”  I’ve heard many people say that.  I’m not sure that I agree with that sentiment.  Let’s be honest:  there are times in life when all the doors seem to be nailed shut and there’s no way out.  That said, there are indeed times… Read More »When One Door Closes …

Love Your Neighbor

Love Your Neighbor In the early 1990’s, I moved to South Florida where I lived for about five and a half years.  One of the first things I noticed was the number of cars with the same bumper sticker.  Red letters on a white background simply stated:  Love your neighbor.   … Read More »Love Your Neighbor

Suffering in Our Time

Over the last month, I’ve had video call conversations with over two dozen individuals I’ve never met in person.  They are all graduate students enrolled in doctoral programs at the university where I teach.  They live throughout North America and have been sheltering at home under various kinds of restrictions. … Read More »Suffering in Our Time

The Wonder of the Present Moment

Many people find themselves caught up with worries and anxieties.  Regrets from the past seem to haunt some people.  They think to themselves, “If only I had done this differently!” or “I wish I had never done that!”  Yet, the truth is this:  whatever it is that we’ve done or… Read More »The Wonder of the Present Moment