My Inheritance

  I was lucky enough to receive an amazing inheritance from my parents and grandparents.  I suspect that they didn’t realize what they gave me.  I know they received it from the older generations of my family.  I prize it as one of those riches that’s been part of the… Read More »My Inheritance

Faith in Our Communities

We’re having a heat wave.  It’s spring and we’ve already had over ten days with temperatures above 90 degrees.  That usually doesn’t happen in Atlanta until late July or August.  But it’s happened in May.  Given the weather, when the workers from the lawn care service arrived late in the… Read More »Faith in Our Communities

A Place at the Table

We stood in front of a series of fish tanks nearly two stories high.  All kinds of sea creatures were in the tanks, many of which I had not seen before.  Tanks like these were lined up for several blocks along the waterfront.  This wasn’t some sort of aquarium. No,… Read More »A Place at the Table

What God do You Believe In?

Belief in a deity:  it’s a debate that’s often framed in predictable ways.  Either a person believes in God or is an atheist.  Or a person believes in the Christian God or a Muslim God or a Hindu God..  Or perhaps one has made money, power, or prestige a deity.… Read More »What God do You Believe In?

Inside and Outside

What’s it like to be on the inside?  How is being on the inside different from being on the outside? As I walk through my neighborhood, I pass the homes of my neighbors. I have impressions about what it’s like to be inside of those homes, to be members of… Read More »Inside and Outside